Friday, April 10, 2009


On Thursday after we finished all of our testing, we decided to have a Read-in (kind of like a lock-in, but with books!) I invited some guest readers to our room to read to the class, and we all gathered around to hear the interesting stories! We then pulled up the comfortable chairs, bean bag, and the floor to read our own books and share with our friends!

Mrs. Edwards, our collaborative teacher, began our festivities by reading, Walter, the Farting Dog. I followed that with the book, I'm a Booger, Treat Me with Respect. After that, we went to a comfortable spot in the room to share our books with our friends.

Lastly, our ELL teacher, Mrs. Blakeney, read a story about Venezuela. It was neat to hear her speaking fluent Spanish as she told us about some of the customs of Venezuela!

Thanks to those of you who supported us in our effort to become great readers!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Time to shine........

3rd grade students are ready for testing in their sunglasses. Each day after standardized testing and practice is over, the students are treated to a little bit of fun in the afternoon. Today, we wore sunglasses to show that we were going to "Shine through the SAT's" while we went outside and threw frisbees to "soar through the SAT's". It's just our little way of motivating our students.